- Professor Dr. Yeh, Feng-Bin
- Career Begins On:
- 2001-05-01
- Experience:
- Professor of department of M.M.E., R.O.C. Naval Academy
The Chief of department of M.M.E., R.O.C. Naval Academy
Associate professor of department of M.M.E., R.O.C. Naval Academy
- Education:
- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University
- Specialty:
- Metals Processing
Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
- Contact:
- Dr. Hsu, Ching-Yu Professor
- Career Begins On:
- 2002-08-01
- Experience:
1.The Professor and Chairman of M.M.E., ROC Naval Academy
2. The 55th-56th director and the 57th secretary-general of the Taiwan Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (TAIWAN SNAME),
3. The Review Committee and Examination Committee of the Thematic Research Project of the National of Science and Technology Council, and the Review Committee of the Taiwan Industry Innovation Platform Program of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs
4. Deputy director and co-host of the Academia Research Center of Underwater Vehicles (ARCUV) , National Sun Yat-sen University
5. Associate Professor of department of M.M.E., ROC Naval Academy
6. Assistant professor of department of M.M.E., ROC Naval Academy
- Education:
- Ph.D. Defense Science, Chung Cheng Institute of Technology
M.S. Chung Cheng Institute of Technology
B.S. Chung Cheng Institute of Technology
- Specialty:
Analysis of underwater Shock
Integration and execution of real ship detonation test at sea
Ship engineering
Submarine structure
Vibration and Noise
- Contact:
- Associate Professor Dr. Chang, Chieh-Min
- Career Begins On:
- 2003-02-01
- Experience:
- Associate Professor & Chairman of department of M.M.E., ROC Naval Academy
Associate Professor of department of M.M.E., ROC Naval Academy
Assistant Professor of department of M.M.E., ROC Naval Academy
- Education:
- Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Michigan State University
M.S. Civil Engineering, Michigan State University
B.S., National Cheng Kung University
- Specialty:
- Structural Analysis
Engineering Materials
- Contact:
- 07-5834700#1710
- Assistant Professor Dr.Lee, Chi-Kuo
- Career Begins On:
- 2000-10-01
- Experience:
- Assistant Professor, R.O.C. Naval Academy
Researcher, College Entrance Examination Center
Lecturer, Takming College
- Education:
- Ph.D. National Taiwan University
M.S. National Taiwan University
B.S. National Taiwan University
- Specialty:
- Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Stability
- Contact:
- 07-5834700#1707
- Assistant Professor Dr.Chen, Ya-Hui
- Career Begins On:
- 2021-12-01
- Experience:
- Engineering OfficerDamage Control OfficerInstructor
- Education:
- 2021 Ph.D. Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology2003 M.S. Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering,National Cheng Kung University2001 B.S. Chinese Naval Academy
- Specialty:
- Underwater explosionMaterial fatigue lifeMeasurement of fiberShip engineeringMarine Engineering simulation system
- Contact:
- 07-5834861#121
- Lecturer Lai Shih-Ting
- Career Begins On:
- 2022-09-16
- Experience:
- Lecturer of Marine Engineering Department of Naval Academy
LST-232 Engineering Officer
AOE-532 Damage Control Officer
Shipbuilding Inspector of Naval Shipbuilding Development Center
PFG-1205 Damage Control Officer
Research and Development Officer of Naval Shipbuilding Development Center
- Education:
- 2020 M.S. Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering,National Cheng Kung University
2014 B.S. Dept. of Power Vehicle and Systems Engineering,Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, NDU
- Specialty:
- Vibration and Noise
- Contact:
- (07) 583-4861#120
- Naval chiefrely officer Huang,chum-Hsien Teaching Assistant
- Career Begins On:
- 2017-10-16
- Experience:
Assistant Professor of Marine Engineering Department of Naval Academy
Navy Flotilla 131 PGG CHANG-Jiang Warship Electronics
Navy Flotilla 131 PGG CHANG-Jiang Warship Telecommunications Officer
Navy Flotilla 131 PGG Pearl- River Warship Telecommunications Corps
- Education:
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Bachelor
- Specialty:
Administrative Assistant
- Contact:
(07) 583-4861#109