Course Planning:
Course |
Introduction |
Programming Language |
This course will give students a detailed and in-depth understanding of C/C++ programming languages. The student can learn to design Window-based application programs. |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics |
This course will introduce linear algebra, complex variables and probability. This course is the extension of Engineering Mathematics and provides the basics of communication, control and other fields. |
Electromagnetics |
This course is designed to make the student familiar with electrostatic and magnetostatic fields, and Maxwell's equations. The usage of vectors and vector calculus operations is emphasized to provide a sound mathematical foundation for understanding electromagnetics. It is also the basics of microwave, radar systems and others. |
Signals and Systems |
This course presents the mathematical techniques used to analyze continuous and discrete signals and linear systems. Topics include signal representation, methods to describe systems, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, time and frequency analysis of continuous systems, Laplace transforms, the sampling theorem, discrete time Fourier transforms, z-transforms. |
Electric Machinery |
Electromechanical energy conversion principles, characteristics and applications of transformers, synchronous machines, induction machines, and DC machines, single-phase and special purpose motors. |
Communication Theory |
This course is an overview of some of the theories of communication. This course is for communication studies majors only; it is one of the core course requirements for the communication studies major. This course focuses on analog communication theories: AM and FM. |
Electric Power Systems |
Fundamentals of energy-handling electric circuits, generators and power transmission systems. This course will introduce digital controller design including PID controller, state feedback controller and optimal controller. |
Digital Control |
This course will introduce digital controller design including PID controller, state feedback controller and optimal controller. |
Digital Signal Processing |
To introduce the basic concepts and techniques of digital signal processing (DSP) and to demonstrate some interesting and useful practical applications of DSP as filter design. To provide practical experience in using DSP software in analysis and design of DSP systems and algorithms. There are other elective courses for students as follows. Probability and statistics, random processes, digital communication, operating systems, numerical analysis, radar systems, linear algebra, linear systems, complex variables, electric materials, electro ceramic materials, RF circuits design, discrete mathematics, electrical power distribution system, sonar systems, optimal control, mobile communication, encoding theory, digital image processing, antenna engineering, microwave engineering, intelligent control and adaptive control. |
There are other elective courses for students as follows. Probability and statistics, random processes, digital communication, operating systems, numerical analysis, radar systems, linear algebra, linear systems, complex variables, electric materials, electro ceramic materials, RF circuits design, discrete mathematics, electrical power distribution system, sonar systems, optimal control, mobile communication, encoding theory, digital image processing, antenna engineering, microwave engineering, intelligent control and adaptive control. |