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Aiming at the foundation of on-job training and future development in the naval carrier, the purpose of this Section is to give the midshipmen the substantial engineering training.  For the study of naval engineering equipment and fulfill the teaching courses, it is divided into steam propulsion plant and internal combustion research team in accordance with the professional knowledge of instructors. 

The diversity naval engineering course designs can provide student with the theory and practical work through the basic science and applied engineering realm. It also follows the world technical development to add the new engineering courses for the students to proceed to advance research of engineering knowledge.

The entire learning course directed by the military instructor is full of professional knowledge and working experience. Four laboratories contain internal combustion engine, auxiliary machinery, steam propulsion plant and boiler and engineering control simulator room. The active equipment includes two shaft gas turbines, gas engine power output tester, transparent combustion engine, steam prime mover tester, pump demonstration test standard, dynamic balance test beach, refrigeration trainer, and engineering control simulator room. Partial of above experimental apparatus play a leading role compared to those of other universities. The entire systematical operations assist the students to realize the theory and practical work with respect to marine engineering knowledge.


       課程之研習,皆由專精及專業經驗之軍職教官所指導,且實驗室涵蓋內燃機、 輔機、汽機與鍋爐、輪機模擬操控等四間教學實驗室,包括燃氣渦輪機、鍋爐、汽旋機模型,內燃機引擎剖式教具,泵浦測試台、氣液壓剎車模型、冷凍空調教學實驗台、輪機模擬操控系統等良好之實驗設備,其中部份設備更為目前國內大專院校相關科系最佳者;研習課程在使理論與實際相互銜接,造就具深厚學理又熟練實務的海軍領導幹部。