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林傳凱 教授

Publication List著作列表
A. Journal Papers 期刊論文:
C.-K. Lin and S.-D. Wang, “Fuzzy modelling using wavelet transforms,” Electronics Letters, vol. 32, no. 24, pp. 2255–2256, 1996. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin and S.-D. Wang, “A robust self-tuning rotated fuzzy basis function controller for robot arms,” IEE Proceedings D: Control Theory and Applications, vol. 144, no. 4, pp. 293–298, 1997. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin and S.-D. Wang, “A self organizing fuzzy control approach for bank-to-turn missiles,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 96, no. 3, pp. 281–306, 1998. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin and S.-D. Wang, “Fuzzy system identification using an adaptive learning rule with terminal attractors,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 343–352, 1999. (SCI, EI)
S.-D. Wang and C.-K. Lin, “Adaptive tuning of fuzzy controller for robots,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 110, no. 3, pp. 351–363, 2000. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin, “Adaptive tracking controller design for robotic systems using Gaussian wavelet networks,” IEE Proceedings D: Control Theory and Applications, vol. 149, no. 4, pp. 316–322, 2002. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin, “A reinforcement learning adaptive fuzzy controller for robots,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 137, no. 3, pp. 339–352, 2003. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin and S.-D. Wang, “An adaptive H∞ controller design for bank-to-turn missiles using ridge Gaussian neural networks,” IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1507–1516, 2004. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin, “Adaptive critic autopilot design of bank-to-turn missiles using fuzzy basis function networks,” IEEE Trans. on Syst., Man, Cybern.-B., vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 197–207, April 2005. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin, “Non-singular terminal sliding mode control of robot manipulators using fuzzy wavelet networks,” IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Syst., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 849–859, Dec. 2006. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin, “Mixed H2/H∞ autopilot design of bank-To-turn missiles using fuzzy basis function networks,” Fuzzy Sets and Syst., vol. 158, no. 20, pp. 2268–2287, Oct. 2007. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin, “Robust adaptive critic control of nonlinear systems using fuzzy basis function networks: An LMI approach,” Information Sciences, vol. 177, no. 22, pp. 4934–4946, Nov. 2007. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin, “H∞ reinforcement learning control of robot manipulators using fuzzy wavelet networks,” Fuzzy Sets and Syst., vol. 160, no. 12, pp. 1765–1786, June 2009. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin, “Fuzzy basis function network-based H∞ tracking control for robotic manipulators using only position feedback,” IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Syst., vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1208–1216, Oct. 2009. (SCI, EI)
C.-K. Lin, “Radial basis function neural network-based adaptive critic control of induction motors,” Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 3066–3074, April 2011. (SCI, EI)
B. Conference Papers 研討會論文
C.-K. Lin and S.-D. Wang, “Adaptive fuzzy control of bank-to-turn missiles,” in Proc. 22nd. IEEE IECON, Taipei, Taiwan, August 1996, pp. 596-601. (EI)
C.-K. Lin and S.-D. Wang, “Constructing a fuzzy model from wavelet transforms,” in Proc. Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Kenting, Taiwan, Dec. 1996, pp.394–399. (EI)
林 傳凱, “IC卡與高雄市公車收費結合之可行性研究,” 第十四屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,商業類資訊組, 1999年5月, pp. 209-216.
C.-K. Lin, “A reinforcement learning adaptive fuzzy control system,” in Proc. The Sixth International Conference on Automation Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2000.
C.-K. Lin, “An adaptive radial basis function network-based autopilot design of bank-to-turn missiles,” in Proc. 第九屆三軍官校基礎學術研討會, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. C3–1~C3–6, June 2002.
C.-K. Lin, “An adaptive fuzzy controller for autonomous underwater vehicles,” in Proc. 陸軍軍官學校七十九週年校慶綜合學術論文研討會論文集, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. EEB176–EEB182, May 2003.
C.-K. Lin, “Adaptive H∞ control of bank-to-turn missiles using neural networks,” in Proc. 2003 Conference on Avionic Technology and Applications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.A1–41~A1–50, Oct. 2003.
C.-K. Lin, “A robust tracking controller for constrained robots using radial basis function neural networks,” in Proc. Ninth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. FA–05–1~FA–05–6, Nov. 2004.
C.-K. Lin, “Adaptive H∞ control of bank-to-turn missiles using neural networks,” in Proc. 第12屆三軍官校基礎學術研討會, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 2005.
C.-K. Lin, “Reinforcement learning adaptive fuzzy control of permanent magnetic synchronous motors,” in Proc. Tenth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 2005.
C.-K. Lin, “Adaptive critic control of autonomous underwater vehicles using neural networks,” in Proc. Sixth International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Applications (ISDA’06), vol. II, Jinan, Shandong, China, Oct. 2006, pp. 122–127. (ISBN: , IEEE Computer Society Press) (EI)
C.-K. Lin, “Adaptive RBFNN-based autopilot design of bank-to-turn missiles subject to actuator saturation,” in Proc. AASRC/CCAS Joint Conference, Jhongli, Taiwan, Dec. 2006.
C.-K. Lin, “Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Ridge Gaussian Neural Networks,” in Proc. 2008 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 2008.



陳新得 教授

Publication List著作列表
A. Journal Papers 期刊論文:
J.F. Chen and S.D. Chen, “A fast method for finding the solution of the economic-emission dispatch problem”, Journal of Cheng Kung University, Science, Engineering, and Medicine Section, Vol.31,pp-27-40, Nov.1996.
J.F. Chen and S.D. Chen, “A new algorithm based on Newton-Raphson approach for real-time emission dispatch”, Electrical Power Systems Research 40(1997)137-141.
S.D. Chen and J.F. Chen, “An application of the novel network diakoptics algorithm for economic dispatch analysis”, Electrical Power Systems Research 43(1997)133-141.
J.F Chen and S.D Chen, “Multiobjective power dispatch with line flow constraints using the fast Newton- Raphson method", IEEE Trans. On Energy Conversion Vol.12, No.1, pp.86-93, March 1997.
S.D. Chen and J.F. Chen, “Fast load flow using multiprocessors”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System 22(2000) pp.231-236.
S.D. Chen and J.F. Chen, “A novel node-ordering approach for parallel load flow analysis “, European Transactions on Electrical Power, ETEP Vol.11(2001),No.4, pp.267-273.
S.D. Chen and J.F. Chen, “A direct Newton-Raphson economic emission dispatch“, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 25(2003)411-417.
S.D. Chen, “A study based on the factorization-tree approach for parallel solution of power network equations”, Electrical Power Systems Research 72(2004) pp.253-260.
S.D. Chen and J.F. Chen, “A novel approach based on Global Positioning System for parallel load flow analysis“, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 27(2005)53-59.
S.D. Chen, “Granulated blast furnace slag used to reduce grounding resistance”, IEE Proc.- Gener. Transm. Distrib. Vol.151, No.3, pp.361-366, 2004.
L.F. Chen, T.J. Liang, C.K. Cheng, S.D. Chen, R.L. Lin and W.H. Yang, “Asymmetrical winding configuration to reduce inrush current with appropriate short circuit current in transformer”, IEE Proc.- Electr. Power Appl., Vol.152, No.3, pp.605-611, 2005.
C.K. Cheng, T.J. Liang, L.F. Chen, S.D. Chen and W.H. Yang, “Novel approach to reducing the inrush current of a power transformer”, IEE Proc.- Electr. Power Appl. Vol.151, No.3, pp.289-295, 2004.
S.D. Chen, R.L. Lin and C.K. Cheng, “Magnetizing inrush model of transformers based on structure parameters”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.20, No.3, pp.1947-1954, 2005.
C.K. Cheng, S.D. Chen, T.J. Liang, , W.H. Yang(2005) “Transformer Design for Reducing the Inrush Current by Asymmetrical Winding,”Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 811-818, 2005
S.D. Chen, L,H. Chen, C.K. Cheng, and J.F. Chen (2006), “An Experimental Study on the Electrical Properties of Fly Ash in the Grounding System," International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems: Vol. 7: No. 2, Article 7.
陳新得,陳建富,陳宗寶. “ 應用音射檢測技術於模鑄型變壓器部分放電之研究. ”電機月刊3013
陳新得,陳建富,陳宗寶. “利用導波鞍座於電力電纜部分放電檢測系統之研究”電機月刊,2014
B. Conference Papers 研討會論文
B. Conference Papers 研討會論文
陳新得,黃慶連,陳建富,陳俊榮,“配電系統負載潮流 解唯一性之研究”,第八屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,pp.106-118, 1993
S.D. Chen and J.F. Chen, C.L. Huang, M.S Chen and F.Y. Liu, “The existence and the uniqueness of the minimun-emission dispatch”, 第十六屆電力研討會,pp.565-569,1995.
S.D. Chen and J.F. Chen, “Application of the sensitivity factors method to study the existence and the uniqueness of the economic-emission problem”, Conf.of AUPEC' 96, Melbourne, Australia, 1996.
S.D. Chen and J.F. Chen, “Parallel load flow analysis using the synchronized phaser measurement units”, 第十七屆電力研討 會,pp.319-323,1996.
J.F. Chen and S.D. Chen, “A parallel power dispatch analysis”, Conf. of AUPE'96, Melbourne, Australia,1996.
陳 建富,鄭至焜,陳新得,鄭至成, “考慮開關設備成本下對非晶晶質鐵芯變壓的投資評估”, 第十九屆電力研討會,1998.
陳 新得,黃啟貞,蘇偉府, “以快速牛頓法求解多目標電力調問題”, 第十五屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,pp.217-226, 2000.
鄭 凱中,陳建富,陳新得,陳宗寶”音射檢測法應用於電力電纜局部放電之研究” 第二十九屆電力研討會,2008,台南
陳 宗寶,鄭凱中,陳建富,陳新得” 電力電纜部分放電音射檢測系統之研製”第三十屆電力研討會,2009,桃園
陳新得,陳宗寶. “, Application of the Acoustic Emission Technology for Partial Discharge in Cast-Resin Transformers.” 第三十二屆電力工程研討會



石智光 助理教授

Publication List著作列表
石智光, 單時序差動級低功率省電型電路”, 海軍軍官學校校慶論文輯, 2005
石智光, 省電型電路同步設計”, 海軍軍官學校校慶論文輯, 2007



雷伯瑞 上校副教授

Publication List著作列表
A. Journal Papers 期刊論文
P. R. Lei and I. J. Su, “Mining Spatial-Temporal Movement Profile of Mobile Users for Social-Aware Applications”, Journal of Computers, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 48-58, July 2011. (EI)
P. R. Lei, I. J. Su, W. C. Peng, W. Y. Han, and C. P. Chang, “A Framework of Moving Behavior Modeling in the Maritime Surveillance,” Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 33-43, Nov., 2011.(EI)
P. R. Lei, W. C. Peng, I. J. Su, and C. P. Chang, “ Dummy-based Schemes for Protecting Movement Trajectories,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 335-350, March, 2012. (SCI, EI).
T. J. Shen, P. R. Lei and W. C. Peng, “Prediction Usage Intension of Time-Dependent Mobile Applications on Smart Phones,” Communications of IICM, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 75-88, June, 2012.
Po-Ruey Lei, Shou-Chung Li, and Wen-Chih Peng , "QS-STT: QuadSection Clustering and Spatial-Temporal Trajectory Model for Location Prediction", Distributed and Parallel Databases, Vol.31, No.2, pp. 231-258, 2013. 【SCI, EI】
Wen-Yuan Zhu, Wen-Chih Peng, Chih-Chieh Hung, Po-Ruey Lei, and Ling-Jyh Chen,” Exploring Sequential Probability Tree for Movement-based Community Discovery,” IEEE Transition on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.26, No.11, pp.2717-2730, 2014. 【SCI, EI】
B.Conference Papers會議論文
C. T. Lu, P. R. Lei, W. C. Peng, and I. J. Su, “A framework of mining semantic regions from trajectories ,“ Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Shenzhen, China, May 24, 2011.
P. R. Lei, T. J. Shen, W. C. Peng, and I. J. Su, “ Exploring Spatial-temporal Trajectory Model for Location Prediction,” Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, Luleå, Sweden, June 6-9, 2011. (Best Student Paper Award)
Zhung-Xun Liao, Acrt Shen, Po-Ruey Lei, and Wen-Chih Peng, “Mining Temporal Profiles of Mobile Applications for Usage Prediction, ” in Proceedings ofthe 12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2012), Brussel, Belgium, Dec. 10-13, 2012.
Po-Ruey Lei, “Exploring Trajectory Behavior Model for Anomaly Detection in Maritime Moving Objects,” in Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics(ISI 2013), pp. 271, Seattle, WA, USA, June 4-7, 2013.
Zhung-Xun Liao, Yi-Chin Pan, Wen-Chih Peng, and Po-Ruey Lei, "On Mining Mobile Apps Usage Behavior for Predicting Apps Usage in Smartphones," in Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management(CIKM 2013), pp.609-618, San Francisco, CA, USA, October 27 - November 1, 2013.
Yung-Hsiang Lin, Chien-Hsiang Lai, and Po-Ruey Lei*, “Mining Top-k Relevant Stay Regions from Historical Trajectories,” in Proceedings of 2014 International Workshop on Mobile Sensing, Mining and Visualization for Human Behavior Inference (in conjunction with PAKDD), Tainan, Taiwan, May 13, 2014.
Yu-Ting Wen, Chien-Hsiang Lai, Po-Ruey Lei* and Wen-Chih Peng ``RouteMiner: Mining Ship Routes from a Massive Maritime Trajectories," Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (Demo paper), Brisbane, Australia, June 14-18, 2014.
Yu-Ting Wen, Po-Ruey Lei, Wen-Chih Peng, and Xiaofeng Zhou, “Exploring Social Influence on Location-Based Social Networks,” Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Shenzhen, China, Dec. 14-17, 2014.




  1. Y. T. Chan*, S. J. Wang, and C. H. Tsai, “Extracting foreground ensemble features to detect abnormal crowd behavior in intelligent video-surveillance systems,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 51402, 2017. (SCI)。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  2. Y. T. Chan*, S. J. Wang, and C. H. Tsai, “Real-time foreground detection approach based on adaptive ensemble learning with arbitrary algorithms for changing environments,” Information Fusion, Vol. 39, pp. 154–167, 2018. (SCI,重要期刊論文IF=10.716)。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  3. Y. T. Chan*, “Deep learning-based scene-awareness approach for intelligent change detection in videos,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 013038, 2019. (SCI)。本人為單一作者、通訊作者。
  4. Y. T. Chan*, “Comprehensive comparative evaluation of background subtraction algorithms in open sea environments,” Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 202, pp. 10311, Jan. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2020.103101(SCI, IF=3.121). 本人為單一作者、通訊作者。
  5. Y. T. Chan*, “Comprehensive comparative evaluation of background subtraction algorithms in open sea environments,” Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 202, pp. 10311, Jan. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2020.103101(SCI, IF=3.121). 本人為單一作者、通訊作者。
  6. Y. T. Chan*, “Maritime Filtering for Images and Videos,” Signal Processing: Image Communication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.image.2021.116477 (SCI, IF=3.256). 本人為單一作者、通訊作者。
  1. Y. T. Chan*, S. J. Wang, and C. H. Tsai, P. Lin, and W.Chen, “A novel ensemble method to integrate with different technologies for moving foreground detection,” in Proc. SPIE 9817, Seventh International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2015), 98170R, 2015. dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2228519 (EI)。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  2. 吳明杰,詹益東,王順吉,蔡宗憲,(2017年11月)。應用新式融合前景偵測方法於智慧型視訊監控系統之研究。第26屆國防科技學術研討會,桃園,台灣。
  3. 王順吉,吳明杰,蔡宗憲,詹益東,(2018, Aug). System design for fusing foreground detection approaches. The 31th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 台南,台灣。
  4. 詹益東,王順吉,(2018, Aug). The implementation of intelligent foreground detection in video surveillance systems. The 31th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 台南,台灣。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  5. 詹益東,(2019, Aug). Drastic-wake removal for maritime surveillance using dark channel prior for background subtraction. The 32th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 台東,台灣。本人為單一作者、通訊作者。
  6. Y. T. Chan*,(2020, Aug). Study of background subtraction algorithms using electro-optical sensors for the open sea. The 33th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing , Taiwan,2020.
  7. Y. T. Chan*, T.W. Hou, Y.L. Huang, W.H. Lan, P.C. Wang, and C.T. Lai, “Implementation of deep-learning-based edge computing for preventing drowning”, In: 8th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering (ICIAE 2020), the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers (IIAE), Shimane, Japan.
  8. Y. T. Chan*, Z.H. Chu, C.C. Lee, C.H. Chen, and T.W. Ho, “Implementation of deep-learning-based edge computing for maritime vehicle classification”, In: 8th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering (ICIAE 2020), the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers (IIAE), Shimane, Japan.
  9. 藍文心,黃俊豪,侯太暐,黃郁倫,王品佳,詹益東*,(2021年1月)。軍校生於程式語言課程學習動機之先導性研究:以海軍軍官學校為例。2021國家講座系列活動:「前瞻思維、跨域研究」研究生學術精進研討會,臺北,臺灣。
  10. 黃俊豪,陳俊瀚,朱育賢,李誠哲,詹益東*,(2021年1月)。運用專題式學習法於提升程式設計自我效能之研究:以海軍軍官學校為例。2021國家講座系列活動:「前瞻思維、跨域研究」研究生學術精進研討會,臺北,臺灣。
  11. Y. T. Chan*, Design of video-based autonomous drowning-prevention system based on edge computing. The 34th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Taiwan, Aug 2021.


  1. H.C. Lin, Y. T. Chan, Y.C. Chu, S.Y. Ku, and Y.J. Chen, , inventor; "A matching system for personal dining"; Taiwan (R.O.C.) utility model  patent M588326.
  2. Y. T. Chan, inventor; "Maritime filter image processing device"; Taiwan (R.O.C.) utility model  patent M602265.
  3. Y. T. Chan, Chun-Han Chen, Yu-Hsien Chu, Cheng-Che Lee, Chun-Hao Huang, and Tai-Wei Hou, inventor; "Deep-Learning-Based Ship Classification Edge Computing Device"; Taiwan (R.O.C.) utility model  patent M603177.
  4. Y. T. Chan, Tai-Wei Hou, Yu-Lun Huang, Pin-Chia Wang, Wen-Hsin Lan, and Cil-Ting Lai, inventor; "Deep-Learning-Based Preventing Drowning Detection Edge Computing Device"; Taiwan (R.O.C.) utility model  patent M603168.
  5. Y. T. Chan, inventor; "Maritime image filter method and processing device"; Taiwan (R.O.C.) invention patent."; Taiwan (R.O.C.)  (A patent application for this new invention is currently in process.).
  6. Y. T. Chan, Chun-Han Chen, Yu-Hsien Chu, Cheng-Che Lee, Chun-Hao Huang, Tai-Wei Hou, Tai-Wei Hou, Yu-Lun Huang, Pin-Chia Wang, Wen-Hsin Lan, inventor; "Edge artificial intelligence-based autonomous rescue device"; Taiwan (R.O.C.) invention patent."; Taiwan (R.O.C.)  (A patent application for this new invention is currently in process.).
  7. Y. T. Chan, Chun-Han Chen, Yu-Hsien Chu, Cheng-Che Lee, Chun-Hao Huang, Tai-Wei Hou, Tai-Wei Hou, Yu-Lun Huang, Pin-Chia Wang, Wen-Hsin Lan, inventor; "Green energy wireless charging station for drone​"; Taiwan (R.O.C.) invention patent."; Taiwan (R.O.C.)  (A patent application for this new invention is currently in process.).


Y. T. Chan*, “Comprehensive comparative evaluation of background subtraction algorithms in open sea environments,” Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 202, pp. 10311, Jan. 2021.



Yi-Tung Chan (Editor and co-author), book, "An Introduction to Approaches and Modern Applications with Ensemble Learning", Nova Science Publishers. (ISBN:978-1-53618-680-2) Website: https://novapublishers.com/shop/an-introduction-to-approaches-and-modern-applications-with-ensemble-learning/


  1. 2018/01 - 2019/12  應用於海上移動環境之智慧前景偵測與行為分析技術(MOST 107-2218-E-012 -001 -MY2). ※兩年期計畫(個別型)
  2. 2019/08 2020/07  應用於海上環境之智慧視覺分析與偵測技術(MOST 108-2221-E-012-005).
  1. 全國創意發明與專利種子教師研習營合格認證(2019/7)
  2. 專利撰寫實作研習營合格認證(2019/8)
  3. 工研院「AI 智能小車JetBot」培訓(2019/9)
  1. 中華民國發明專利「水上影像雜訊濾波方法及其影像處理裝置」(申請中),詹益東 (2019/8)